DISCLAIMER: MAY CONTAIN HARSH LANGUAGE AND INSULT !Before i write on this matter, read this links to know more.
I meant read the comments of the mysterious Anonymous who flame my blogger friend.
Attack 1Attack 2maybe he was also involve in attacking this blogger as well in Malay language !!
Attack 3I was attack by this individual few days back !!
but this time he was stupid !!
He left his profile, maybe it was a fake a profile who knows?
The mysterious AnonymousHis cowardly facebook profileHe was so angry on my posting on Budu, well not on budu but on my old stupid questionnaires.
Well i got some words with you kid??
Why kid?? LOOK !! You are 20 and go and respect people who are older than you. Seriously from your age and immature attitude, i can see you do not respect your parents and elders.
My blogger friends that was attacked by you are OVER 20 including myself !!
*Sorry for being harsh but yes people like you need to learn human basic and basic manners !!Firstly, no humans are perfect and of course remember MAJORITY OF BLOGS ARE INFORMAL !!! SO YOU WILL KNOW THAT MANY OF US WILL WRITE SILLY LANGUAGES AND SLANGS !!!
YOU are also not perfect !!!
Also because you are not perfect that's why you attacked us.
Stop your pursuit of being perfectionist also giving so called advises, are your advises worth the spirit or worth of your sincere heart??
I do not think so, why you asked?
Because you hide in the shadows and not allowing anyone to send a feedback to you coward.
My blog here is informal so does many of my friends and followers !!
Sorry, if i made you upset on the posting of your favourite artist. I suppose that you did not learn regarding on how to debate or give a nice suggestion instead of giving me flaming comments.
Consider yourself lucky i deleted your comments.
By the way,
Cikgu Zara was RIGHT when she said :
"Who's care about the broken English?
Even that's the fact that we still in the learning process...
I salute people who dare to speak in other languages (e.g. English), because they are not even the native of the language!"My questionnaires was an old posting, I really cannot believe you actually took the time and effort to correct my grammatical errors.
You should read the date of the BLOG !! when it was posted, trust me many of us are busy and lazy to re-update our previous postings. You should NOT FLAME over this matter instead you should see is this person has improve from his writings ??
One thing i realise, what's with the hiding or private your profile or being anonymous??
Worried that we will attack you?? or worried that we will attack your blog and see your weaknesses??
well, if YOU DO then what's the point of you flaming on peoples blog, we do want to see you work. See how you write ??
Maybe you do not have enough love and got attack by some idiots in your blog causing a lot of trouble until you feel you want to attack people.
Come on Kid, be mature, this is the REAL WORLD !!!
Accept criticism. Yes, I accept yours and that why I started this debate.
Debate is no use??
If you want to know? Debate is where humans learn and understand to improve each other. I was told by young politician Nik Nazmi during the launching of his book "Moving Forward: Malays for the 21st Century"
*recommended reading also no, i am not supporting any political party, I just find out his book was great !!He even explained that during Glorious golden age of Muslims, Every Muslim scholar debated on many issues. The Umayyid (Kerajaan Umayyah) and Abbasid (Kerajaan Abbasiyah) debated on issues on the reseach they have done on the Quran and even the Iman scholars like Iman Ghazali, Iman Syafie, Iman Hanafi and so on debated each others opinions.
They did not fight, punch fist or talk bad words or give negative remarks together but the debated over the issue and improve lives.
Do not be like one CEO who was blacklisted and never accept criticism.
Ok, i know you said "I write bad English"
FOR YOUR INFORMATION, because my blog is informal and I do not write professional English !!!
You want to dare me???
Give me the place where you work or study, I can send a letter regarding on your attitude and maybe who knows they will fire you from your work place or dismiss you from your studies.
Sorry to inform you kid, but I have send your report to the authorities and will take serious actions on your comments and attacks.
p/s: Jgn dengki dgn org leh tak??? awk ni buat malu org Melayu je !!!! BOLEH TAK AWK JADI SEORANG YG PROFESSIONAL?? PATUT LA RAMAI MALAS, BODOH DAN TAKDE AKAL MCM AWK !!!
maybe takde gunanya sbb awk tak matang n bodoh gak...